We want to be the most innovative and modern agency in Germany. We are ready to give everything for this. Because we do it for you!
Ein Sturmschaden kommt selten allein.
Wir erstellen für Sie und den Dachdecker daher vorab schon Aufnahmen vom Schaden.
Der Dachdecker kann den Schaden dann auf Grundlage unserer Bilder schätzen, die Versicherung den Auftrag freigeben und Sie haben schnell wieder ein funktionstüchtiges Dach.
Storm damage does not usually only occur on one building. Therefore, many roofing companies in the region are often entrusted with repair jobs at very short notice. First, however, the roofer is faced with the challenge of getting an overview of the damage that has occurred. The resulting cost estimate must then be approved by the insurance company in the next step. Only then can the roofer make an appointment with you for the repair - quite a long process for such an acute and important problem!
Our customers can rest assured here. Because we are currently the only agency in the region that can offer your customers high-quality aerial photographs of the damage caused. This can significantly accelerate the aforementioned order process and reduce consequential damage to your property. You benefit twice from our dense network of partners, because quality and speed are a matter of course for our partners.